
Required Plan: Scale, Pro

Use our Analytics offering to determine which cards are being used the most, verify that cards are appearing in your SaaS tools, and track what your teammates are searching for.

Card Analytics

We track every card view and engagement (link click, expand card contents) so that you can answer "How often are cards used?"

Use this to see your top cards and how often they are engaged with.

Captured Information

This is a synopsis of the information captured and how we can report on it.

  • Card View

    • When

      • A card is viewed in-app or in-extension

    • What

      • User: who viewed the card

      • Card: the card being viewed

      • Source: in-app, in-extension, in-HubSpot, in-Gmail

  • Card Engagement

    • When

      • A card link is clicked

      • An embedded card popup is expanded

    • What

      • User: who engaged with the card

      • Card: the card being engaged with

      • Source: same as "Card View"

      • Type: link_click, expanded

  • Trigger Appearance

    • When

      • An embedded trigger appears on the page

    • What

      • User: who engaged with the card

      • Trigger: the embedded trigger

      • Card: the card connected to the trigger

      • Source: in-extension, in-HubSpot, in-Gmail

      • Count: the number of times the trigger was viewed (daily)

  • Trigger Click

    • When

      • An embedded trigger is clicked

    • What

      • User: who engaged with the card

      • Trigger: the embedded trigger being clicked

      • Card: the card being opened

      • Source: same as "Trigger Appearance"

Search Analytics

We track all searches made, how many results the search returned, and which results were clicked. You can use this to track what your teammates are looking for, and determine if they received an answer or if you are missing a piece of content.

Captured Information

This is a synopsis of the information captured and how we can report on it.

  • Search Occurrence

    • When

      • A search occurs

    • What

      • User: who performed the search

      • Search Term: the search query being made

      • Intermediate Search Terms: multiple searches as the query is being made are stored in one event

      • Number of results: the number of results displayed

      • Number of clicks: the number of clicks made from this search

      • Source: in-app, in-extension, in-HubSpot, in-Gmail

  • Search Click

    • When

      • A search result is clicked

    • What

      • User: who performed the search

      • Search Event: the search event that resulted in the click

      • Content: the content that was clicked

      • Index: the search result location in the UI

      • Is hosted content: the card is a Supered card, or a 3rd party card (HubSpot KB, other providers)

Utilization Analytics

We provide a report of who is adopting and onboarded with Supered. You can use this to identify setup on your team, or as a partner you can track it across all of your clients.

We track whether the user has accepted their invite, installed the extension, "activated", or "engaged." Activation is based on whether the user has viewed a card and searched in the extension. Engaged is based on whether the user has viewed a card, engaged with a card, searched, seen a trigger, or clicked on a trigger.

Captured Information

Unlike other reports, this report is generated based on other data, instead of separate analytics capture.